We'll help you get your next fix... maybe, we'll think about it, says FTC: 'Right to repair' mulled The Register 14 Mar. 2019 23:59 Federal Trade Commission will turn Fault-finder, Tinker, Customize this summer America's trade watchdog says it will soon mull over and potentially propose rules to protect folks' right to repair their phones, tablets, and PCs, among other things, without voiding warranties or breaking the things. The FTC this week announced it was seeking research and comments from the public in advance of a workshop event it was planning for July 16. That event, titled "Nixing the Fix: a Workshop on Repair Restrictions," will take a close look at how companies are preventing their customers from being able to fix and tinker with their own devices, typically with threats of warranty voiding or just straight up blocking people with glue, custom screws, and sealed boxes. In particular, the FTC said it will be looking ...
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